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Главная » 2010 » Сентябрь » 2 » Letter to Journalists
Letter to Journalists
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Dear Sirs,

My name is Alexander Shatskiy, for about one year I have been a representative of the initiative group of Russian citizens, ex-workers of the regional air company “KD Avia” and habitants of Kaliningrad city and Kaliningrad region. The main point of my volunteer activity as well as of 200 more people of our initiative group is to defend the legal rights for labor and salary for it and to resist the regional corruption in all its forms.

In September, 2009 the project of an international airport and a regional air company stopped existing. The consequences of the big system-forming enterprise’s destruction were unbelievable for the jural state as well as for the citizens.

Here for instance some of those consequences are given:

1.The work of 2.5 thousand citizens was exploited for free and in a dishonest way against the Russian Constitution for one year. That was happening in sight of all state central and regional executives. Partly the support was produced by the government to those citizens after 8 months of their slave work only. That support came when 2.5 thousand citizens were in bankruptcy and had debts to banks and the state.

2. The salary debts were over 400 mln rubles (approximately 10 mln euro) during the period from March, 2009 to September, 2009, including compensations stipulated by our country law.

3. Due to the Kaliningrad city’s enclave position, the regional air carrier lack brought to the unfair growth of air ticket prices for regional flights. For example, the flight to Moscow is from 170 to 500 USD nowadays while the average monthly income is not over 500 USD in our region. That happened because of an illegal interference of some high-ranking federal officials to the civil aviation activities. About 1 mln citizens of our state found themselves cut off from the continental part of the country, in spite of the guarantees given by the RF government and the ex-president of Russia V.V.Putin to provide our region with the own regional air carrier in 2004.

4. The destruction of such important enterprise and the international airport in the centre of Europe was not the consequence of any financial crisis or other natural bankrupt reasons. The illegal and planned raider seizure of “KD AVIA” as well as not paying salaries was executed by representatives of Russian government-related Bank “Saint Petersburg”. The physical and juridical persons hired by that bank specialized in artificial enterprise bankrupting by assault pressure, fake papers, forced capture of enterprise’s shares and assets, arrangement and sustaining of corrupting relations to executives, particularly with bodies of law order, executive and judicial power and public prosecutor's office. There is a special name for these actions in a civilized world - a gangster assault and plunder. That is the real function of Bank “Saint Petersburg”, so called “home bank” of president’s executive representative in North-West Federal District of Russian Federation I.Klebanov.

5. The criminal cases were fabricated against the ex-heads and managers of “KD Avia” who did not want to fulfill the illegal requests of the raider seizureres and these people were arrested illegally. All this was maintained by the order of Bank “Saint Petersburg” executives. During almost 5 months of this illegal arrest the illegal seizure of the shares and assets as well as the air company and the airport was carried. The charges against those ex-heads and managers of the air company have not legal basis and do not correspond the reality.

6. The technical condition and professional use of the international airport declined and the flights performing does not satisfy the international standards and norms (ICAO).

All mentioned above is just a short overview f the main sequences of the destructions caused by the illegal raider seizure. Many other law violations were made except of that.

Until now we, the ex employees of KD Avia and the international airport of Kaliningrad town, could not get any rouble to the wages debts from the seizureres in spite of more than 2000 cases made in our favor. For more than one year we try to defend our constitutional rights. The bureaucratic procrastination turned to zero our hopes any justice could triumph over. The people who were commited with the roughest criminal violations are rightless. The violators are not under any charges. All trials to defend our legal rights were and are broken by security agencies acting in a name of the raider bank. Moreover other citizens who experienced the same violations are joining us and the wages debts to them are over 600 mln roubles.

Recently one more ally, Igor Kovrigin, has become a victim of the illegal activity of The Bank connected to the Russian government. His official video appeal to our country citizens is placed at our website http://www.kd-problem.ucoz.ru/news/2010-06-10-150 and his home page http://video.yandex.ru/users/kdproblema/view/2 . Related to that I would inform that the regional media were scared to publish Igor Kovrigin´s video appeal. The critical and truthful content of the appeal tells about the legislation failures and discloses the illegal raider seizure of the big enterprise.

That appeal is not the only one made by Igor Kovrigin. Earlier in March, 2010 he published the actual information that allowed to release in the ex-heads of “KD Avia” from custody. Due to that public appeal Igor Kovrigin was exposed to the persecution by the mafia clans and bodies of internal affairs. I, Alexander Shatskiy, confirm that Igor Kovrigin is still chased illegally and the attempts on his life and health were committed.

This can be an example of how dangerous it is to follow the law in Russian Federation. Because of the persecution and to avoid being physically hurt he had to leave Russia and become a refugee in one of the European Union countries. The Kovrigin´s family members have to hide themselves from gangsters and police set on by Bank “Saint Petersburg” bank.

In a view of the information mentioned above and realizing the threats under which Igor Kovrigin was put in reality, I and other active citizens have to admit the danger of further residence of Igor Kovrigin on Russian territory. This situation, as well as the story of the illegal raider seizure of the former regional Open Stock-joint Company “KD AVIA” , unlawful actions terminated in the corrupted country, constant violation thousand citizens´ rights, must be known by the world community and could not be ignored.

We would also like to tell that in connection to the information given above the collective lawsuit to the European Court of human rights in Strasbourg is being developed by us.

We ask you to consider the present appeal as an official one from the face of several hundreds of Russian citizens and also we ask for a possibility of journalists´ interference together with a publication of this appeal as well as the video appeal by Igor Kovrigin.

We deeply hope that European medias are more active and independent in distinct from many Russian medias and the European Court will consider our collective lawsuit against the Russian government.

Many regards,
The initiative group representative of ex-workers of OJSC “KD Avia”
Alexander Shatskiy

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Уважаемые Единомышленники.

Время молчания кончилось и мы должны рассказать о наших проблемах всему миру. Ведь в мире миллионы людей наивно верят, будто Россия это правовое государство. Демократическая и цивилизованная страна в которой преобладают закон и порядок. Страна в которой права граждан Гарантирует Президент и Конституция.

Мы с вами убедились в том что это не правда и закон в России это миф и не более. Нас 2.5 тысячи граждан, так и не нашедших законного решения своих проблем вызванных совершенными в наш адрес преступлениями.


Александр Шацкий

Категория: Борьба с Рейдерством | Добавил: sel

Ух, ты! Кнопочки!!! поделиться в социальных сетях:

Всего комментариев: 5
1 ЛьвовичЪ  
"...закон в России это миф..." sad
К сожалению, это ПРАВДА!

2 PPP39  
"Сегодня можно с полной уверенностью заявить, что законодательство РФ оказалось не состоятельным и неспособным защищать права граждан страны. Бюрократическая волокита свела к нулю любую надежду......." Похоже созданое Путиным "государственная машина" в состоянии противостоять только бандитам на Северном Кавказе благодаря парням из ФСБ и других силовых структур. Хотя в прессе отмечалось не раз,что если бы были созданны рабочие места и люди могли бы зарабатывать,а власть на местах была бы не коррупционой, бойни бы не было. Здесь не Сев.Кав., тем не менее "беззаконие" присутствует и здесь,раз такие "проблемы" имеют место быть. К сожалению в гос.власть пришли люди с одной целью,любым способом "заработать"и на Страну многим ....! Какой смысл первым лицам страны ратовать за новационые идеи,если среди испонителей нет поддержки? И выходит верны древние,утверждающие,что народ это "сброд"-губка,чем больше давишь тем больше сока. К сожалению приходится признать,что первые лица гос. - бессильные перед коррупцией и это, не те люди которые в состоянии с ней справится. Однако удивительное дело,в том,что им жутко не безразлично общественное мнение в других странах. Не подавать руки Сакашвили,это оправдано,но жить среди коррупционеров в своей стране-зная кто есть кто...? Поэтому "письмо" это актуально и идет оно уже не от политических конкурентов,а от обманутого, потерявшего веру, народа,а это уже опасно. Не от "всего" ли этого, не желают видеть Россию в международном сообществе?

3 gaaadina86  
Александр!! А ответ то пришел? Или молчат пока журналисты? cool

4 Атила  
О этом письме, лишь один раз рассказале в эфире радио свободной европы. Пока более никто не отреагировал.

5 gaaadina86  
Мда....странная штука наше общество....кричат кричат люди о помощи а всем хоть бы хны sad

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